Work-Life Balance @ Corporate

Nobody has died out of work- they say, but stress at work might have killed many in today's world. When you see employees in their early forties dying of heart attack or cardiac arrest, it gives you goosebumps. A week back one of the employees in my office succumbed to a heart attack. When a healthy-looking person suddenly collapses due to heart failure, all the talks about a successful career in the corporate world take a backseat. People talk about taking health issues seriously, regular health check-ups every six months to be a part of corporate HR goals.

But such discussions are very short-lived and forgotten in a week or so. Another person replaces the deceased and the show goes on to beat the competition, increase the profits and run for promotion.

Already COVID has brought health issues to the forefront of work. Many youngsters have succumbed to the deadly Coronavirus for which there was no cure till last year. However, the cardiac arrests occurring due to the present lifestyle breeding stressful and sedentary work are more worrisome.
Stress occurs at different levels. A little stress associated with deadlines and obligations might be helpful in motivating people to accomplish tasks. Bad stress usually is associated with a significant family illness or employment difficulties. Chronic stress is caused by extreme ongoing struggles, along with a lack of purpose, meaning or control.

When we experience stress, the amygdala (an area of the brain that deals with stress) sends a distress signal to our hypothalamus, which then communicates this to the rest of our body, so it is ready to fight or for flight. Our amygdala signals to the bone marrow to produce extra white blood cells. This in turn causes the arteries to become inflamed. Inflammation leads to heart attacks, angina and strokes.

No meaningful life is stress-free. But, stress can also be an engine of personal growth and peak performance if managed correctly and it can be a path to personal growth. Stress serves a natural, physiological purpose that can help us solve important problems and learn and grow from our experiences. Instead of trying to eliminate or tamp down stress, we should try to understand it and optimize it, minimizing the downsides while capturing the upsides.

The way we handle stress matters a lot. If we respond to it in unhealthy ways - such as smoking, overeating, or not exercising - that makes matters worse. On the other hand, if we exercise, connect with people, and find meaning despite the stress, that makes a difference in our emotions and in our body. To turn stress into an opportunity for growth we need to find our optimal stress point.

We can change our habits to lower our stress. We need not worry about what others are saying about us behind our back. The boss is not going to promote you instantly if you think about him 24X7. Also, if you are the boss, micromanagement is not going to give you the expected results. Instead empowering staff to carry out the delegated work will free your mind and reduce the stress. In the process, you have to accept that there are some things you cannot control.

Before you agree to do something, consider whether you can really do it. It's OK to say "no" to requests that will add more stress to your life. Be clear about work times and expectations, while respecting those of others. The following email signature is a classic example of being encouraging and empowering at the same time: “I am sending this email at a time that suits my work schedule; please do not feel obliged to reply outside of your working hours.”

Don’t make the corporate decisions an issue of your ego, rather reserve your energy for more important things than worrying about petty things in an office. Make it a point to relax every day. Take out time to read your favourite book or journal, listen to music, meditate, pray, do yoga or reflect on what is good in your life. Be active! When you exercise, you'll burn off some of your stress and be better prepared to handle problems.

Stay connected with people you love. Because if you are not there, the corporate will definitely put up the vacancy for your position but your position can never be filled in the lives of the people who love you.

Stay healthy, stay safe!

- Dr Atul R Thakare


  1. Thanks for liking the blog. This means a lot and encourages me to write more..

  2. Very true Dr Atul... Communication is the only way for sustainable relationship at every level

  3. Good read in understanding elimination of stress in today's work culture of timeliness and targets!

  4. Worth understanding and implementing itπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘

  5. Great job Atul! Big improvement in language; pertinent points too....but you should have stressed more on stressing less. Youngsters these days stress over everything in life! Not just work....but even hitting the gym on time. ....going for that early morning run....and often miss out on sleep. Many docs have opined that lack of at least 7 hours of sleep at night is the killer!


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